News ID : 146795
Publish Date : 8/17/2023 6:05:40 PM
The terrifying mystery labyrinth of death laboratories in Ukraine


The terrifying mystery labyrinth of death laboratories in Ukraine

America's grand strategy of creating chronic security crises in the world is not only aimed at the use of conventional military weapons, unfortunately the use of biological capacities through the creation of man-made pandemics is also relevant in such an equation.

NOURNEWS- The activity of American biological laboratories around the world is an issue that even senior officials of the Democratic and Republican parties do not deny.

However, such laboratories are definitely not created with the aim of improving the general health of humans, and beyond the subject of creation of such labs, we should be focused on more serious matters!

Recently, a meeting was held in the UN Security Council with the aim of investigating the activities of American biological weapons production laboratories in Ukraine, and as usual, the three countries of the US, Britain and France prevented the investigation of the covert and overt aspects of this case.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, there have been evidences of the concealment of documents related to the operation of suspected American weapons laboratories in Ukraine, which the Secretary General of the UN and the three Western members of the Security Council seem unwilling to answer.

For example, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman has already emphasized that a hasty effort was made to erase evidence of military biological programs by destroying laboratory samples of plague, cholera, anthrax, and other pathogens.

Other evidence also suggests that US-backed laboratories in Kyiv, Kharkov, and Odessa are working on dangerous pathogens that are custom-designed to target different races (depending on environmental and human characteristics).

Western officials call these claims false and even ridiculous, while basically, they do not allow the dimensions of such an obvious danger to be raised in the Security Council meetings.

In other words; The insistence of Washington, London and Paris on not raising this controversial issue in international spheres shows the potential and actual dangers that threaten humanity in this field.

Also, the activity of some secret American laboratories in Ukraine can be based on the creation of a new pandemic in the world (after passing through the deadly pandemic because of the outbreak of COVID-19).

Washington can use apparently biological technologies in the path of its offensive goals. Let's not forget that America's grand strategy of creating chronic security crises in the world is not only aimed at the use of conventional military weapons, unfortunately the use of biological capacities through the creation of man-made pandemics is also relevant in such an equation.

Undoubtedly, conducting comprehensive, wide-ranging and effective research regarding the operation of American biological laboratories in Ukraine and even clarifying the activities of pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Moderna in this European country is a humanitarian demand that, if neglected, in the future We will witness more severe human and biological crises in the world.

The more important thing is that the European and American media outlets prefer not to mention this controversial and important issue and are still engaged in the same stereotypical narration of the war in Ukraine.

The certainty of this story is clear: the overlapping of the media and American-European politicians in censoring the news and the claims made regarding the biological laboratories that have been and are operating in the territory of Ukraine (also unannounced and illegal), is not an issue that can be investigated with silence or tolerance.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi 


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