News ID : 146707
Publish Date : 8/16/2023 12:23:32 PM
A rising unity in an unstable world

A rising unity in an unstable world

The West is not ashamed of its actions, on the contrary, they are proud of their actions, and they will continue their “criminal policies” such as the expansion of NATO’s presence in East Asia and American’s military bases in Taiwan or accusing Iran of maritime piracy while using it as an excuse to redeploy their troops to the region, but a simple glance at track record of the west shows their blood-colored nature, as brigadier general Aziz Nasirzadeh said in MCIS, this strategy of the west for “putting the security of others at risk” could draw an unpredictable reaction.

NOURNEWS- The 11th Moscow Conference on International Security kicks off on Tuesday at the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Center. Representatives of defense departments and international organizations, military experts and diplomats from several dozen countries will discuss common threats to global and regional stability, as well as various aspects of security in Asia, Africa, West Asia, Latin America and Europe.

The central theme of the event, organized by the Russian Defense Ministry, will be the establishment of cooperation in the new realities arising in the process of establishing a multipolar world order. As the Russian top defense official Sergey Shoigu pointed out in his welcoming speech, since its establishment in 2012, the conference has become a popular platform for discussing acute international problems, but this time it is being held in conditions of "radical changes in the military-political situation." In this context, delegates from different parts of the world are invited to explore opportunities for strengthening cooperation against the background of today's challenges.

Important attendances

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who arrived in Moscow on Monday and will stay in Russia until August 19, is expected to speak at the forum. "The views and assessments of the current situation will be presented in speeches by the defense ministers of China, Belarus, Iran's deputy chief of general staff Aziz Nasirzadeh, as well as the heads of defense departments of about 20 other friendly states," the Russian Defense Ministry said. The high-ranking guests include South African Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Thandi Modise, Myanmar Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Tin Aung San, Pakistan's First Deputy Defense Minister General Hamood uz Zaman Khan. Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl will also participate in the conference.

Topics of discussion

In total, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, more than 800 delegates from 76 countries will take part in the conference. Interestingly, this list does not include Western states.  The event was started with a discussion on "Global Security Realities in a Multipolar World." The program includes three plenary sessions: "Military Aspects of Security in the Middle East and the African Continent", "Security in the Asia-Pacific Region", "Interaction of Military Agencies: Conditions and Expectations."

Important points highlighted by Russia, China and Iran’s representatives in MCIS:

According to Sergey Shoigu, the defense minister of Russia, Moscow was ready to share with its partners assessments concerning the weak sides of the Western military equipment

According to him, the Russian Defense Ministry has objective monitoring data on the elimination of Western weapons. He added that Russia was ready to share its assessments with partner countries concerning identified weaknesses in Western military equipment. Shoigu noted that the same situation prevails in the combat training of Kiev’s troops and the planning of Ukrainian military operations.

"According to previous statements by a number of high-ranking NATO officials, over 75,000 Ukrainian troops have undergone military training in line with Western standards," the Russian defense minister continued. "Many of them were deployed to the frontline, were then taken prisoner and later revealed in detail all of the methods underlying NATO’s military training regime," Shoigu said, adding that the majority of captured Ukrainian troops made negative comments about the Western military training practices they had experienced firsthand.

Nevertheless, Russian military experts continue to study in detail all information gleaned on the content of the adversary’s military training programs. "The experience gained is also taken into account when developing training programs for foreign military specialists in our military educational institutions," Shoigu added. These experiences will play a significance role in military and defensive alliance of China-Russia-Iran as the main leading countries to fight against west’s imperialism and the ruling system of the world.

Colonel General Li Shangfu the minister of defense of China also said: “The current world has entered a new round of instability and transformation. Against the background of colossal changes, President Xi Jinping put forward an initiative on global security, calling for supporting the concept of common, integrated, joint and sustainable security, following the principles of dialogue, partnership and mutual benefit, and abandoning the thinking of antagonistic and zero-sum block game.”

He added: “Security and development, being fundamental rights, are inherent in every country. They should not be the exclusive privileges of individual states. To restrain and suppress other countries - such actions not only do not comply with the laws of economic development, but also deplete the trust of the people. Such despotic practices as imposing one's will on others, arbitrary interference in the internal affairs of other states is causing increasingly strong opposition and resistance from the international community. Such erroneous actions deprive foreign countries of their rights to independence and development Independence, which creates a source of chaos and trouble, causing upheaval in the world. The Taiwan issue is purely an internal matter of China, the interference of any external forces is unacceptable here. The reunification of China is an unstoppable historical trend, and an attempt to use the Taiwan issue to contain China is doomed to failure. For the sake of a more just world, we need to unite together, to resist the permissive policy of force!”

He further emphasized on the need of unity between the independent countries of the world to rise against this unstable world. Regarding the expansion of military collaboration with Iran, Mr. Shangfu later stated: "We will continue to strengthen the mechanism of security cooperation within the SCO, actively deepen defense collaboration with the organization's newest member Iran, as well as Belarus, which will soon become an SCO member,"

Aziz Nasirzadeh, the deputy chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, and our country’s representative in MCIS speech: “We believe that this devastating war in Ukraine would not have happened without the West’s hegemony and excessive demands, led by the US,”

Furthermore, brigadier general Nasirzadeh mentioned the role of Western countries for creating chaos and mongering wars by using their so-called allies, and he harshly criticized Washington for its Criminal policies for imposing its will by adopting illegal strategies such as cruel sanctions, blackmail-oriented policies in process of negotiations and so on.

He said: “One of the other policies adopted by the US is resort to proxy wars, which is a leading factor in redefinition of regional order,” the Iranian general added, warning that Washington employs “proxy media war” through satellite and social networks to propagate the Western ideas and attack the national cultures via cognitive warfare to paralyze nations’ resistance power.

Unity of the independent countries

For the first time in a long while a comprehensive movement is rising against the Western countries’ one-sided policies. In Africa we have Niger’s coup and this continent's readiness to sign multitude of agreements in different fields with Iran, Russia and China. In West Asia, our country is becoming the prominent military powerhouse while emphasizing on regional oriented cooperation between the countries of the region trough diplomacy and economic, defensive relations.

Regarding the field of De-Dollarization and economic cooperation, BRICS and BRICS + is reviewing the request of more than 40 countries to join this economic bloc while on the field of military and defensive cooperation, conferences such as MCIS are a perfect evidence and example of countries’ readiness for expanding their military cooperation in different fields of intelligence, development of new weapons and their defensive innovations for progressing their defensive technologies.

The war in Ukraine and Western countries’ focus on providing billions worth of weaponry to Kyiv’s Neo-Nazism regime while ignoring and supporting the terrorist acts of this regime such as the multiply attacks against Crimean bridge, bombing of Nord Stream with beforehand knowledge of Washington, Biden’s decision for providing cluster munitions to Ukraine has shown the true face of the West to the world.

But the West is not ashamed of its actions, on the contrary, they are proud of their actions, and they will continue their “criminal policies” such as the expansion of NATO’s presence in East Asia and American’s military bases in Taiwan or accusing Iran of maritime piracy while using it as an excuse to redeploy their troops to the region, but a simple glance at track record of the west shows their blood-colored nature, as brigadier general Aziz Nasirzadeh said in MCIS, this strategy of the west for “putting the security of others at risk” could draw an unpredictable reaction.

The order of the world is changing whether you are ready for it or not.

By: Homayoun Barkhor


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