News ID : 146655
Publish Date : 8/15/2023 5:02:45 AM
Dangerous game of authorities of Taipei in East Asia


Dangerous game of authorities of Taipei in East Asia

The Taiwanese cannot ignore the prelude to the crisis, which is their direct and absolute game in the West’s playing field, and while insisting on their destructive policies, complain about its situational consequences.

NOURNEWS- At the same time as Washington and London, as the two main Western interventionist countries in China's peripheral area, are making extensive efforts to increase the scope and depth of their movements against Beijing, Taipei authorities are also warning in a meaningful way about the possibility of war in East Asia!

These excessive interventionist and provocative behaviors of the Western countries and their agents in East Asia are crossing over the threshold of tolerance of strategic or even tactical patience of the Chinese.

In this regard; Recently, the Ministry of Defense of China in Taipei has announced that 10 Chinese fighter planes have entered the airspace of the island and five ships of this country have patrolled with full strike readiness.

Authorities in Taiwan, which China claims it belongs to its sovereignty, have repeatedly complained about Chinese military activities near the island over the past three years.

On the other hand, Beijing has warned Taipei that turning this island into a base for anti-Chinese activities by the US and its allies such as Japan, Australia and South Korea will definitely not be tolerated by China.

Some prominent American strategists, including "Henry Kissinger", have given severe warnings in recent weeks about the possibility of a new battle in the international system (between China and the US) and considered it as an example of World War III.

The main concern of these people, regardless of who is in the White House, is related to the specific inability of the leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties to manage the scene of possible conflict.

Although Biden claims that his actions in the peripheral environment of China are carried out with the purpose of deterrence against this country, the type of actions and their nature clearly shows that Washington does not have the power to direct and manage this program and, in many cases, witness the game moving from the deterrence phase to the action phase!

Obviously, in this situation, similar to what happened in the issue of Ukraine, Taiwan is definitely the main loser, and this defeat will also spread to America and Britain as the two main sources of the crisis in East Asia.

In accordance, the Taiwanese cannot ignore the prelude to the crisis, which is their direct and absolute game in the West’s playing field, and while insisting on their destructive policies, complain about its situational consequences.

This is the same mistake that was made once in Ukraine by "Volodymyr Zelenskyy "and turned Ukraine into a scorched earth and center field of crisis, without the main promises of the West to Kyiv being implemented!

These same circumstances can also apply to Taiwan.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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