News ID : 146547
Publish Date : 8/13/2023 1:31:51 PM
The mind game of the western media regarding the recent agreement between Iran and the US


The mind game of the western media regarding the recent agreement between Iran and the US

It is obvious that the more the enemies of the nation of Iran are forced to accept the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in practice, on the other hand, they try even more to position themselves as the winners of sensitive issues by relying on various tools of perceptual and cognitive warfare.

NOURNEWS- The American newspaper "Wall Street Journal" has claimed that Iran has significantly reduced its 60% uranium stockpile and diluted some of these materials in order to reduce tensions.

This newspaper, while quoting its sources, has written that the government of Iran has slowed down the accumulation of "high-enriched uranium" and these measures can help to reduce tensions with the US and provide the possibility of resuming wider negotiations on Iran's nuclear program.

This report was published a day after the agreement between the US and Iran regarding the exchange of prisoners and the release of a part of Iran's blocked foreign exchange resources.

The Wall Street Journal also claims that American and European officials have told Iran that if tensions ease this summer, they will be open to broader talks later this year, including negotiations about Iran's nuclear program!

In the meantime, however; John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House has not confirmed the Wall Street Journal's report that Iran has reduced its uranium-60 stockpile.

At the same time, "John Kirby" said that Washington welcomes such measures to reduce tension. In Iran, sources have stated that Iran's nuclear activities are going on "without interruption and according to the previous plans of the Atomic Energy Organization".

Considering that this claim has not been confirmed even by the Americans, the question arises as to why the American media outlets have taken such actions.

Nevertheless, the said agreement is important in several perspectives:

First; During the two years of negotiations on the exchange of prisoners, the Americans were seeking to blackmail Iran by breaking their promises, and with this approach, they prevented the negotiations from reaching a conclusion many times.

Furthermore; Since the fall of last year, imagining the collapse of Iran due to imposed disturbances, they eliminated the option of negotiating with Tehran and focused on Iran's internal developments, and did not hesitate to make any efforts to make the country insecure.

The recent agreement, however, shows the failure of the sanctions policy and the withdrawal of the Americans from the claim that negotiations with Iran are not on the table, which is due to the perseverance of the Iranian nation in facing internal and external sanctions and threats, and it reveals Iran's inherent strength.

Second; Although the Americans were openly tampering with Iran's assets for years with bullying and breaking JCPOA based promises, the Islamic Republic of Iran was finally able to defend its right and a significant part of its assets in a dignified manner, without relying on blackmail and solely based on the provisions of the strategic laws conducted by Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly.

This success should undoubtedly be attributed to the effective and simultaneous importance of the two fields of "Diplomacy" and "Field", which was achieved without tying all matters to the issue of JCPOA and based on the policy of regional and extra-regional integration with the approach of neutralizing sanctions.

Third; Although the Americans had always overshadowed the issue of prisoner exchange with the predominance of a political and instrumental view towards all the issues, the Islamic Republic of Iran, by entering the issue in a humanitarian manner, did not allow the hostile and inhumane behavior of the Americans to prevent the implementation of this agreement, and forced them to change their methods and accept new conditions.

This is precisely the reason why the said agreement has created a wave of protests, especially from Republicans against the White House, and by calling the issue "Blackmail of the century, America paying ransom to Iran", they have demanded an answer from Biden.

On the other hand; This process has once again resounded the name of Iran as a country that has been able to challenge the unilateralism of the US and realize its inalienable legal rights trough dignified diplomacy.

Based on this, as expected; In addition to the Zionists, movements inside the US are determined to create a false and baseless polarity in Iran, while reducing the protests and the rising pressure against Biden by creating false narrations such as the published reports by the Wall Street Journal and inverting the facts and truths of the matter.

It is obvious that the more the enemies of the nation of Iran are forced to accept the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in practice, on the other hand, they try even more to position themselves as the winners of sensitive issues by relying on various tools of perceptual and cognitive warfare in order to reduce the volume of their defeats and prevent the despair of their mercenaries and also prevent the understanding of hope among the people of Iran and its fans all over the world.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi 


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