News ID : 145635
Publish Date : 9/10/2023 6:09:30 AM
The message behind the trip of an old American strategist to East Asia


The message behind the trip of an old American strategist to East Asia

The remnants of America's superpower era, today, before than anyone else and more than others, have come to the conclusion that the American Democrats and Republicans are leading a dangerous game in East Asia that will definitely have severe consequences for the US.

NOURNEWS- Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State and the famous and veteran strategist of this country's foreign policy, in an unexpected trip to China has recently met with the officials of this country.

This meeting has happened while Kissinger himself has repeatedly expressed his concerns about the possibility of occurrence of World War III due to the chronic tensions between Washington and Beijing.

In addition to him, "Francis Fukuyama" and many famous theorists in the field of American foreign policy also believe that Washington has lost the power to direct and manage its self-made crises on the other side of the world.

In a meeting with Henry Kissinger, the Defense Minister of China, Li Shangfu emphasized that the relationship between China and the US has been destroyed because some Americans did not see China as an equal partner.

At the same time as the 100-year-old Kissinger unexpected visit to China, "John Kerry" also went to Beijing as the US climate representative to meet with Chinese officials and discuss how the two countries can cooperate to deal with the climate crisis.

Kerry is the latest senior US official to visit China this summer, following US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's visit to China in June.

Although Kissinger's meeting with Chinese officials is considered outside of the official visits of members of the Biden administration to Beijing, it will definitely be influential in the formation of a certain type of deterrence patterns between the parties.

Beyond that; During Blinken's previous visit to Beijing, the Chinese had frank discussions with him about Washington's dangerous expansionism in East Asia. This warning from the Chinese authorities showed that Beijing does not intend to make concessions to Washington in the current tense atmosphere.

America's focus on China's backyard, especially areas such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, the South China Sea, and the tensions created by the White House in the Korean Peninsula and even recently in areas such as Australia and the Philippines, can all be interpreted in the direction of China's strategic encirclement.

Certainly, Beijing will not deal with this issue lightly, and this is the confrontational scene that Kissinger, as a seasoned strategist, cannot hide his concern about due to his complete aristocracy on the strengths and weaknesses of the American structure in the international system.

In other words, the remnants of America's superpower era, today, before than anyone else and more than others, have come to the conclusion that the American Democrats and Republicans are leading a dangerous game in East Asia that will definitely have severe consequences for the US.

The Chinese, neither in the Trump’s administration era nor in the Biden era, have been willing to make concessions to Washington in the face of America's expansionist and threatening strategies against them, but at the same time, there is a possibility that the strategic patience of the Chinese will eventually run out and a combined war between Washington and Beijing. take on more complex dimensions.

therefore; Kissinger's recent visit to Beijing should be considered a reflection of the extreme concern of experts in the field of American foreign policy regarding the unbalanced, costly and dangerous game of the White House in East Asia.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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