News ID : 145443
Publish Date : 9/11/2023 10:14:42 AM
The key for actively dealing with cognitive warfare


The key for actively dealing with cognitive warfare

Today, the field of interpretation and jihad of explanation is the new stronghold of the war against the enemy, which has not been able to achieve its goals during more than four decades of imposed war, terror, sabotage, sanctions, and threats, and today this enemy has imposed a war of perception and political propaganda against Iran in wide and comprehensive dimensions.

NOURNEWS- The expansion of social networks, especially in virtual space and mass communication, although it has crossed the borders and found a global nature, but at the same time, it has become a new tool in the scene of warmongering and domination of the current dominating world order.

The fourth wave and hybrid wars, which takes place with the focus on cognitive and perceptual wars and the use of new communication technologies, try to change the audience's knowledge and perception of their surroundings with the technique of inverted inductions and distortion of facts, and by doing so, they impose their will on targeted societies.

Casting doubts on the foundations of the political and religious system, undermining cultural values ​​and valuing anti-values, creating divisions and separations in societies, deculturalization and purposeful and targeted culturalization, changing lifestyles, distorting history and purifying tyranny and colonialism, humiliating possessions, killing hope and self-confidence and ... Is one of the tools that are being used by the enemies while using this strategy.

For many reasons, the nation of Iran is one of the main targets of the current dominating world order in this regard, which can be seen in the behavior of Western officials and media at different times, especially the events of the fall of last year.

The failure of the imposed war, sanctions and maximum pressure policy, and in contrast to the transformation of Iran into a powerful country actor in the regional and global stages, which has even become a model for other nations and governments, has caused the change of the worlds order’s approach to the fourth wave wars against the nation of Iran.

Using the tools of soft power and cultural influence to influence people's minds, thoughts and beliefs with the aim of changing their attitudes is the most important strategy of the West against political systems and nations that have not yet entered the peripheral circle of great powers and have maintained their independence.

In such a process, the power of thinking is ultimately taken away from the individual and the society then, the individual will be placed on the path that the enemy has set for them, the most important countermeasure is active action with an aggressive approach that can challenge the opposite front, " advocacy” is the key item in this strategy.

"Advocacy" by raising awareness, removing doubts, responding to the intellectual needs of the society and creating a platform to guide the society in the right direction, can ultimately, while explaining the achievements of the society and its system, protect it from many internal and external dangers, especially in the face of cognitive warfare.

Of course, "Advocacy" requires components that, if neglected, can lead to negative and dangerous results and ultimately face failure. The most important component in this regard is "correct knowledge of the audience".

In the meantime; It is necessary to use the existing capacities, as the leader of the revolution emphasized many times, including recently, in the gathering of missionaries, that the value of family and the role of parents is a great capacity in the field of advocacy, and it is necessary and important to take advantage of it.

Another important point in the field of advertising is "gaining knowledge about the enemy" and behind the scenes’ actors. In other words; We must know when we are faced with the multitude of doubts in the minds of young people, whom we are facing against. Are these doubts are rooted in the mind of a young person or are there others behind the scenes who seek to corrupt the young mind and divert it to their desires?

The Leader of the Revolution pointed out in the group of preachers: "Now let’s suppose that a certain editorial writer or a certain columnist of such a newspaper or such tweeter in such network has mentioned something, but who are we facing?" Who is this person? Is it he who is doing this? But, in reality there is a strong possibility that it is not what its looks like, there is a strong possibility that this has a backstage."

Unfortunately, the lack of knowledge about the actors behind the curtain and responsible for spreading news and spreading lies has caused many damages and its manifestation can be seen in the enemy's political propaganda in highlighting the shortcomings while hiding and severely censoring the progress of Iran in different fields to complete the project of " society ‘s disappointment in their own country".

On the other hand; Although accountability is necessary in the field of advocacy, it is more important to know the enemy's infrastructure and intellectual foundations as the center of deceptive inductions.

It is important and necessary to know the intellectual foundations and to question them and to be a demander instead of being the main answerer, as for example the leader of the revolution has stated many times that we have fundamental questions from the West regarding the position and the value of women, which all should be answered, we should not remain as accused ones and the one whom should answer. But the Western claimants of Human right and women's rights should respond to their false claims and accusations.

The correct understanding of what is going on in Western societies and what the Western countries are doing on the world stage and the crimes committed with wordplay while showing a fake but appealing scenery is an important principle in the field of advocacy.

The miserable state of the family, the slavery of women in the name of freedom, the identity crisis of the young generation in the West, dictatorship and repression in Western societies such as what happened after the murder of a 17-year-old youth by the French police in the streets of this country, the deplorable state of human rights in the West such as the situation of the crisis of asylum seekers in Britain, the human disaster that has been imposed on Afghanistan and Ukraine under the guise of supporting these countries, etc. are obvious manifestations of the emptiness of the intellectual foundations of the Western countries.’

In the meanwhile, it is necessary to have a jihadi spirit on the path of the main preached subjects, because without a jihadi spirit, this is a difficult and challenging path that requires a lot of patience and practice, without them this path cannot be followed.

This is the duty of the Islamic Seminaries, universities, thinkers, think thanks, experts, media and virtual space and social media activists, who should carry out this mission with continuous research and production of suitable and appropriate content.

Long story short, today, the field of interpretation and jihad of explanation is the new stronghold of the war against the enemy, which has not been able to achieve its goals during more than four decades of imposed war, terror, sabotage, sanctions, and threats, and today this enemy has imposed a war of perception and political propaganda against Iran in wide and comprehensive dimensions.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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