NOURNEWS - In recent days, suspicious media outlets have started a extraordinary attempt with the aim of creating a conflict between Iran and the Taliban group in Afghanistan under various reasons.
Since the August of 2021, following the disgraceful withdrawal of the US and NATO military forces from Afghanistan, the Taliban group took control of the government in this country by capturing Kabul, various domestic and foreign movements by presenting unrealistic analyses, challenged Tehran's strategy towards this important matter, and they kept trying from various points to open Iran's feet to a big conflict in any possible way.
At that time, the Islamic Republic of Iran had chosen the third option among three possible strategies, i.e., "conflict with the Taliban", "indifference to the developments in Afghanistan" and "prudent management of the issue", in order to take into account the domestic, regional and international conditions. the least damaging solution for Iran was the third option.
Opponents and critics of the Islamic Republic's strategy in this regard were practically divided into two categories:
The first group were those who, considering the dark history of the Taliban during the first period of their rule in Afghanistan, believed that the Islamic Republic should not allow them to reestablish themselves in the neighboring country, especially because due to the nature of the Taliban's beliefs, it is basically impossible to expect them to come to terms with the Republic and Shia flow.
The second group were those who were in line with the Western trends and Persian-language opposition media in pursuit of "identification" between the ruling thought of the Islamic Republic and the Taliban's way of thought, and they deliberately instilled the Iran's strategy on how to deal with the Taliban as a proof of the same ideologies.
Of course, the passage of time proved to everyone, including fair and concerned critics, that the Islamic Republic's strategy in dealing with the Taliban was far-sighted and prevented the country from falling into the trap set by the Western countries.
However; During this period, the second stream, under the guidance of the western intelligence services, has always tried to make the situation look critical and create a conflict as much as they can, by sowing division and injecting tension into the atmosphere between the two countries.
Worse than that; Recently, a part of the domestic media has also started publishing false news with the focus of encouraging war against Afghanistan, under the pretexts of Helmand's claim or the occurrence of some conflicts on the border, which unfortunately has taken a toll and influenced some sections of the revolutionary movement.
In the meantime, the suspicious currents that have organized activities, especially under the guise of supporting the revolution ideology, have tried to incite public sentiments with the widespread use of intercepted videos and the widespread dissemination of fake news and information, so that the conflict reaches a point of no return and to make the people oppose the decision and strategy of the Islamic Republic.
These are the movements that always accuse Iran of warmongering and destabilization in the West Asia and in the international arena, and they will definitely change their tracks and tune according to a new instrument in case of any conflict.
The release of the film "Separatist Baluch attack on the army of Pakistan" in one of these media, which is referred to as a direct shot at an Iranian soldier, or the release of the film "Taliban Armored personnel carrier trucks Parade in Kandahar" with fake audio, are among these cases.
The important thing in the meantime is that; The conditions between the two countries are not the least similar to what these movements and their media narrations are showing, and the responsible institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran are trying to preserve the rights of the Iranian people with the least amount of tension in the region with nobility and foresight.
BY: Mohammad Ghaderi