News ID : 139605
Publish Date : 5/6/2023 8:16:06 PM
Intensification of tension in the relations between France and Italy


Intensification of tension in the relations between France and Italy

In recent days, a new challenge has been formed between the two main European players, namely France and Italy, which, although it is caused by an apparent rhetoric and stance, but behind it, a volume of serious differences between the players and the countries that make up the European Union and the Eurozone can be observed and analyzed.
NOURNEWS - The emergence of far-right currents and the marginalization of two social democratic and center-right currents in different European countries is not an issue that can be hidden behind the appearances of the political leaders of this continent, including Ursula Von der Leyen and Joseph Burrell. In recent days, a new challenge has been formed between the two main European players, namely France and Italy, which, although it is caused by an apparent rhetoric and stance, but behind it, a volume of serious differences between the players and the countries that make up the European Union and the Eurozone can be observed and analyzed. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani canceled his trip to Paris in response to the statements of a senior French official and emphasized on his Twitter page that the statements of French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanen about Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni are not true and acceptable. Darmanen previously told RMC Radio that Meloni had failed to solve the "immigration problems" she had promised to tackle. He also accused the Italian Prime Minister of lying to Italian voters to get to this position, and the continuation of this situation could add to the crisis caused by the growing number of migrants who leave for southern Europe by boat. But the matter did not end at this point and in another part of his speech, the French Minister of Interior compared Meloni with "Marine Le Pen", the leader of the extreme right movement in France and said: "The extreme right has a vice and that is lying to the people." These statements were published while Tajani was preparing to travel to Paris to meet his French counterpart in order to mend the fragile relations between the two countries in recent months. France, however, quickly issued a statement to avoid escalating tensions with Rome, assuring the Italian government that it remains committed to cooperation with the neighboring country. However, even this consolation could not dissuade the Italian diplomat and member of the right-wing "Forza Italia" party from canceling his trip to Paris. Since Meloni's right-wing government took office in Italy, relations between Paris and Rome have been tense over various issues, especially the migration issue. The French interior minister had already criticized Rome's policies regarding the immigration issue. In November 2022, Darmanen criticized Italy for not granting permission to dock a charity ship to rescue migrants and called Meloni "selfish". That ship then had to go to France and dock in the ports of this country. Meloni's Brothers of Italy party (Fratelli d'Italia) and its coalition partner Lega, led by Matteo Salvini, pledged in their election campaign last year to crack down on illegal immigrants entering Italy. On Thursday, however, the country's parliament approved a law that would increase prison sentences for human traffickers and limit asylum rights for new arrivals. In any case, the conflict between nationalist currents and traditional currents in Europe is not going to be resolved soon by creating a common and apparent understanding. To describe precisely; What is happening recently in the relations between Rome and Paris shows the depth and scope of the conflict, which is not going to end in the near or even distant future. BY: Pooya Mirzaei

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