News ID : 122395
Publish Date : 12/28/2022 1:00:25 PM
The black shadow of "Brexit" and "Ukraine" on the livelihood of the British people in the New Year


The black shadow of "Brexit" and "Ukraine" on the livelihood of the British people in the New Year

Britain chose Brexit in a referendum, but the governments that have come to power so far have each implemented a harsh form of it, which has destroyed any hope of improving the livelihoods of the people of this country in the conflict of the war in Ukraine.
NOURNEWS - It has been two years since former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson signed the Brexit deal and triumphantly declared that the country would enter an era of "equality, dynamism and contentment". Johnson claimed at the time that a Brexit deal would allow British companies to "do more business" with the EU, leaving London open to more trade deals around the world while maintaining uninterrupted exports to its existing market of 450 million consumers. But on the eve of the new year, the only member of the G7 that has not yet overcome its economic problems after the Covid19 pandemic, and sees all Johnson's Brexit promises in vain, is England. London in 2023 is struggling with the fall in the value of the pound, expensive imports and rising inflation, and worst of all, even as the rest of the world has enjoyed a post-pandemic trade boom, it has still not been able to fix its exports. The strike of workers and medical staff, which adds to Rishi Sunak's government's current expenses every day due to low salaries and bad living conditions, has also turned into a nightmare whose dark shadow weighs heavily on the British economy and has left Sunak's government with no choice but to increase taxes. Although Brexit cannot be called the only reason for the British economic crisis, it has made it more difficult for Sunak's government and Charles, who has just ascended the throne, to solve economic problems. Britain starts the new year in a situation where it is in its worst economic situation with the loss of unrestricted access to the EU market as its largest trading bloc, and even worse, it has not found a replacement for them, and even interacts with its exclusive colonial customers such as Australia. And New Zealand has not brought him a positive balance. The new year for Britain, even if there were no severe economic problems, still begins with the fear of Rishi Sonak's government of repeating the unsuccessful experience of Lees Terrace and the reign of Charles III, which is no longer a symbol of British political solidarity with the colonies that are happy to carry the name of the monarchy. They don't have any, and these show that British citizens will not go through the "cold winter" to welcome the spring sun. BY: Mohammad Ghaderi

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