News ID : 122110
Publish Date : 12/22/2022 12:17:54 PM
America has not responded to the UN reporters about Iran, yet


America has not responded to the UN reporters about Iran, yet

Almost a month has passed since the last deadline of the United Nations Special Rapporteurs to the United States to answer about the effects of environmental sanctions against the Iranian nation, but Washington is still unwilling to answer the questions raised and is not responsible for it.
NOURNEWS - Contrary to its obligations under the JCPOA, which was signed on July 14, 2015 by the foreign ministers of Iran and the P5+1 group, as well as the head of the European Union's foreign policy, the United States government withdrew from the JCPOA in May 2018 and subsequently on August 6, 2018 with Executive Order 13846 re-announced the return of part of the sanctions. In continuation of this process, on November 5, 2018, the US government returned all sanctions lifted according to the JCPOA and imposed new sanctions as well. The ill effects of these unilateral sanctions have affected a wide range of aspects of Iranian citizens' lives, among which the issue of the environment can be mentioned. This is despite the fact that the commitment to preserve the environment has been recognized by the resolution of the General Assembly under the title "Help to promote human welfare and full enjoyment of all human rights". In this regard, a group of UN special procedures reporters on October 5 of this year (September 27, 2022) sent a joint report to the United States government on the subject of "Effects of unilateral US sanctions against Iran in the field of environment" to the United States Permanent Mission in Geneva. Based on the reasoned evaluation of the obtained information, these reporters have expressed their serious concern about the US sanctions as an effective factor in Iran's environmental decline and have stated that these sanctions are the right of the Iranian people to enjoy a healthy and stable environment, the right to health, They have violated the right to life and... In this report, focusing on the environmental effects of sanctions, five special reporters, while criticizing Washington, expressed concern about the impact of sanctions on various areas that threaten the lives of the Iranian people. This group of UN reporters has asked the United States to answer these questions within 60 days and clarify this matter. Now almost a month has passed since the last deadline of these reporters, but Washington is still not willing to answer the questions and is not responsible for it. Before this, Mrs. "Elena Dohan", the special rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures, after visiting our country, prepared a comprehensive report about the bad effects of sanctions on the lives of the Iranian people and asked Washington to respond to the questions raised regarding the resolution of this issue. Take cruel sanctions as soon as possible. BY: Mohammad Ghaderi

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