News ID : 76354
Publish Date : 10/25/2021 1:05:13 AM
Admiral Shamkhani unveils a strategy that will cost the Zionists tens of  thousands of billion dollars

Admiral Shamkhani unveils a strategy that will cost the Zionists tens of thousands of billion dollars

Admiral Shamkhani's response to the Zionist claim of allocating 1.5 billion dollars to attack Iran's nuclear facilities has been met with prominent media coverage in the region.

NOURNEWS - According to the Tasnim news agency, Israeli media recently quoted Israeli officials as saying that Tel Aviv had officially approved $ 1.5 billion for a possible attack on Iran's nuclear facilities if other routes failed to force Iran to make heavy withdrawals in nuclear technology.

Although observers know that this kind of propaganda and claims are more of a hoax in exile than real, on the other hand, such claims are different from other Zionist evils that are done in secret.

The Zionists have always secretly committed atrocities against Iran's nuclear facilities and hit our country's nuclear capabilities, including the assassination of Iranian scientists or some other actions, but they have also received responses that they know and understand the severity and pain of themselves more than others. ! Responses that have sometimes been forced to send several international mediators to Iran to beg them to stop the process of punishment!

But this time, the Zionists have claimed that they have approved the $ 1.5 billion budget for a direct attack on nuclear facilities!

Earlier, however, the spiritual father of the Zionists, the United States, was severely defeated by its hypothetical enemy, Iran, in a so-called Millennium Challenge maneuver in 2002 to practise a military strike on Iran, and the maneuver turned into a major historical disgrace. Since then, the United States has practically archived the military option, but as some US officials have written in their diaries, Washington has tried to use Zionist bluff as leverage to put pressure on Iran through diplomacy!

However, the recent threat by the Zionists to approve a $ 1.5 billion budget to take action against Iran's nuclear facilities, as well as some statements by regime officials about conducting air strike exercises to attack Iran, and the like, should be part of a strategy to increase pressure. The concession was considered at the negotiating table, but the response of Admiral Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, to these allegations should be considered as a kind of decipherment of the doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran against the Zionist regime.

Today, the High Security Officer of Iran wrote on his personal page in Persian, English, Arabic and Hebrew:

"Instead of allocating 1.5 billion dollars budget for atrocities against Iran, the Zionist regime should focus on providing tens of thousands of billion dollars funding to repair the damage that is going to be caused by Iran's shocking response."

Shamkhani's important message was widely covered by regional and international media, which provoked mixed reactions.

Some said that if Iran wanted to take appropriate action in response to the Zionist attack, it would not normally cost several thousand billion! Because this figure is very high.

Although this view may seem logical at first, the reality of Shamkhani's short message is to explain the strategy of the Islamic Republic in response to the direct action of the Zionist regime against Iran, which requires different calculations.

Some experts in deciphering this Mr. Shamkhani's threat, say: Although when the Zionists secretly commit evil, they receive symmetrical and proportionate responses, but if their obvious threat becomes operational, Iran's response will not be commensurate with the Zionist evil, and the trigger will be activated. The damage to the existence of the Zionist regime will be unimaginable.

In the event of an Israeli attack, Iran will naturally target the existence of the Zionist regime with direct, heavy and uninterrupted attacks and actions, and this action, because it is equal to the disappearance of the Zionist regime, will cost less than tens of thousands of billions. They will not follow.



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