News ID : 164435
Publish Date : 2/9/2024 3:45:41 PM
Why should Iranian bloggers pay tax?

Why should Iranian bloggers pay tax?

In Iran, about 551 users and online active people have over a million followers, of which about 123 influencers had an income of about 2300b tomans (each US dollar is about 55000 tomans) in 2021 and they only paid 17b tomans, on average 130m tomans each, tax. This is while the advertisement rate for each story is between 5-150m tomans.

NOURNEWS: The expansion of social networks has led to many changes in the life styles of people. These changes have many aspects and consequently have various effects. Social networks can gradually change people’s ways of talking, clothing, diet, relationships and even thoughts and values over time. Bloggers play a key role in bringing about these changes and their activities, particularly in social networks, can direct tastes and styles of audiences.  

Who is blogger?

A “blogger” is someone who works in a specific field and constantly produces content in that area. This term was initially applied to weblog writers but with the expansion of image-centered social networks such as Instagram over time, the definition of bloggers has changed to include a range of producers of written and visualized content who engage in a variety of activities. These people are also known as “influencers” and their ability to attract high numbers of followers via content production is their defining feature.

Blogging is considered one of the highest earning and most popular Instagram-based jobs across the world so It tempts many to work in this area full time. Most bloggers achieve high income through advertising for other Instagram pages as well as selling products. Some are the producers or sellers of a product and have become blogger to expand their business.

The results of a study on Iranian bloggers in 2023, which has been published by, suggests that comedian bloggers have the highest number of followers, with the most popular ones having between 3 and 5m followers. They are followed by beauty bloggers, with the most popular one having up to 3m followers. The next ones are food bloggers, with their followers reaching over 1m in the best case scenario. I the end, travel bloggers, with a hundred thousand to 1m followers, rank next after food bloggers and earn income via their online activities.

Controversial debates on imposing tax on Iranian bloggers

The exact income of bloggers cannot be obtained since their income relies on their monthly activity. However, high income has been estimated for bloggers, particularly those mentioned above.  According to the latest investigations, Iranian bloggers with less than 1m followers receive about 2-5m tomans for each story and 10m tomans for each feed. Naturally, this figure increases ascendingly for those with more than 1m followers and additional services such as video production. It is said that some posts cost up to 70m  tomans.

Last July, Mehdi Movahedi, spokesperson for the country's Tax Affairs Organization, announced that 515 bloggers and celebrities had been identified, with deposits totaling 2,300b tomans made to the accounts of 123 of them.

The necessity to impose a tax on these bloggers became the subject of controversial debates. Some said it is not a correct measure to charge tax to people who are working within a filtered network. However, the budget law ratified in 2021 clearly speak about imposing tax on Instagram-based jobs.

In Iran, about 551 users and online active people have over a million followers, of which about 123 influencers had an income of about 2300b tomans in 2021 and they only paid 17b tomans, on average 130m tomans each, tax. This is while the advertisement rate for each story is between 5-150m tomans.

Blogging in the World

According to a 2023 study, the results of which were published on 'Indie Bounty,' although there are famous bloggers worldwide with an average income of $200,000, on average, only 3% of the world's bloggers have earned more than $20,000, 5.8% have earned more than $10,000, 18.8% have earned more than $5,000, 33.1% have earned more than $3,000, and 50.5% have earned above $1,000 each month. According to the study, bloggers of food and daily life had the highest income.



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