News ID : 156097
Publish Date : 11/28/2023 3:08:38 PM
The right to genocide; Forgery of a new word in the dictionary of Western human rights!


The right to genocide; Forgery of a new word in the dictionary of Western human rights!

From a government that considers the intensification of Quran-burning and systematic anti-Islamism as one of its behind-the-scenes commitments to the American-Zionist lobbies, nothing can be expected other than to support the absolute brutality of the usurping Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip.

NOURNEWS- These days, the Prime Minister of Sweden has been severely criticized by the world audience by using the term "genocide right" to justify the crimes of the occupying regime of Israel in the Gaza Strip.

On the other hand, the Swedish government has criticized the unnecessary controversy due to the Prime Minister's "verbal mistake"!

On Friday, 24 November, the Minister of Defense of Sweden wrote on X: "Videos with wrong translations have gone viral that misinterpret the recent words of the Prime Minister. The goal is clear: to hit the international image of Sweden and fuel the division and polarization of the society!"

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, who was speaking at a meeting with the citizens of Gothenburg about the war between the Israeli regime and Hamas, said: "Sweden and the European Union agree on Israel's right to genocide within the framework of international law,"

After a few seconds, he corrected his sentence and later claimed that he accidentally used the word "genocide right". But the real question here is whether such a claim by Kristersson can be accepted?

There are two important points in this regard:

Firstly; Basically, the pronunciation and semantic roots of the two words are so different from each other that the initial use of the word "genocide right" by the Prime Minister of Sweden cannot be considered a mere verbal mistake!

Instead of the word defense (forsvar), he uttered the word genocide (folkmord) and then immediately corrected it, however, some people in the hall started shouting and asked loudly: "So do you think Israel has the right to commit genocide?

The fact of the matter is that due to the fine-tuning of Swedish prime ministers' speeches over many decades and years and the obsession that exists on the part of the leaders of both the social democratic and conservative currents in Scandinavia to use precise words, basically the claim of the Swedish prime minister and the government of this country is completely unacceptable regarding the carelessness of this issue!

The second point is; The Prime Minister of Sweden, like the Chancellor of Germany and the President of France, has a lot of open and hidden dependence on the Zionist lobbies in Stockholm, and the role of the Zionist and American embassies in Sweden cannot be denied in the process of his coming to power.

In such an environment, Kristersson has taken a step further than"Olaf Scholz" and "Emmanuel Macron" in the process of satisfying the Zionist lobbies, and has spoken about the right of the Zionists to kill children and defenseless women of Gaza.

With these explanations; Certainly, what recently happened in Sweden is the product of a carefully designed scenario in which Kristersson played the role of the main actor.

Of course, from a government that considers the intensification of Quran-burning and systematic anti-Islamism as one of its behind-the-scenes commitments to the American-Zionist lobbies, nothing can be expected other than to support the absolute brutality of the usurping Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip, and this brazen approach of the Swedish government, even after the end of the Gaza war will not be forgotten either.

Today, the time has come for the public opinion of the world to be directly and openly acquainted with the democracy and human rights claimed by the Swedes.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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