News ID : 155290
Publish Date : 11/14/2023 2:49:22 PM
“Two-state option”; No longer fool Palestinians; Resistance will win this round of confrontation!

“Two-state option”; No longer fool Palestinians; Resistance will win this round of confrontation!

The Israeli enemy and the hypocritical mainstream media are trying in vain to wage a psychological war over the capabilities and competences of the Pro-Resistance Axis. The arrogant enemy thought that it could achieve victory, but it would not leave Gaza except defeated and humiliated.

NOURNEWS- With Washington’s absolute and unconditional support, openly and intentionally, the Israeli occupation has escalated its hysterical bombing of Gaza’s hospitals - specifically Al-Shifa Hospital - without concern for the lives of the patients who survived the systematic killing.

In turn, the Palestinian resistance is currently repelling this aggression, with intense heroism and unparalleled courage, humiliating the so-called “the fourth most powerful army in the world.” 

In parallel, the Lebanese resistance continues its stout operations in support of the Gaza front; the Hebrew media has even admitted that Hezbollah’s drones had penetrated the occupied Palestinian territories.  Meanwhile, there is also increasing concern about the spread of Hezbollah’s “Rodwan Forces” on the northern border.  Since 1982, the resistance has been keen to document its operations, revealing, as happened in “Operation Ansariya,” the enemy’s lies and its attempt to hide its naive failures.  In this context, the Lebanese resistance also continues its psychological war on the enemy and its breakable settlers, employing a group of clips that broadcast messages reminding the Zionist occupiers of the crises besieging them, while reassuring the resistance public that they are shielded by a wise and distinguished leadership, keen to protect the dignity of the entire nation.

In the sixth week of the war, the brutal and barbaric aggression proves that the “two-state option” that emerged after Oslo was nothing but a colossal deception. It has been exposed by: the expansion of the settlement project, plans to displace the people of Gaza to the Sinai desert, likening them to “human animals”, threatening to bomb them with a nuclear bomb, etc.  Indeed, the Palestinians have paid a heavy price for so-called “political solutions.”

After more than a month of Biden’s pro-Israeli aggression, Washington has failed to extinguish the flame of persistent resistance; the Zionist enemy is trying to achieve an imaginary victory to justify its bloody massacres. However, it has only succeeded in shedding blood. It has failed to release its colonial settlers. Its material and human losses and false propaganda continue.  It also tries in vain to overcome the fire on the fronts of Yemen, Lebanon, and the West Bank.  

With its unmatched steadfastness today, the Palestinian resistance is humiliating the occupation until it is completely eliminated.

Today, what the Palestinians need is not “humanitarian aid” from so-called Arab regimes, but rather to expel the Zionist ambassadors and to sever the shameful normalization agreements.  The Palestinians assert that Washington is not a party that can be trusted because it is directly complicit in slaughtering their children, after it has manipulated its VETO privilege twice in the Security Council and has provided unconditional aid to this aggression.

In the battle of joint steadfastness, patience, and accumulation of achievements, Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Nasrallah, has confirmed - on Hezbollah’s Martyr’s Day - that the occupation has immeasurably failed to claim any evidence of victory. The steadfastness, patience and creativity of the Palestinians is decisive, has pointed out Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

The firm stances presented by the Iraqi resistance, as well as from Yemen and Lebanon, is that if you Americans do not want the region to go into a regional war, then you must stop the aggression against Gaza.  This firm equation means that no one will be able to pressure the Pro-Resistance Axis to abandon its - moral and religious - responsibilities at all.

The Israeli enemy and the hypocritical mainstream media are trying in vain to wage a psychological war over the capabilities and competences of the Pro-Resistance Axis. The arrogant enemy thought that it could achieve victory, but it would not leave Gaza except defeated and humiliated.

Everyone must clearly understand that the Palestinian Resistance does not have known fixed sites that the occupation can say it has captured.  The enemy pays losses after losses; The resistance has succeeded in destroying 17 to 20% of its vehicles that it pushed into Gaza during more than a week of its brutal ground invasion.  For a regular army like the occupying army, this is undoubtedly painful.

In his response to the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Gallant has threatened that just as we are doing in Gaza, the people of Lebanon should expect to examine the same assault.  Of course, there is something beyond crazy in these statements.  Perhaps this is for two main reasons: The first reason is the bloody and arrogant nature of its colonial leaders, who are bloodthirsty sadistic criminals. Their history is well documented since before the illegal establishment of their colonial entity and the massacres that accompanied it.  The second reason is the unconditional green light provided by Washington to this entity.  Therefore, we find that the tone of the speech has been highly egotistical and has also previously revealed by the statement of the Zionist so-called “Minister of Heritage” who has suggested dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip.

What has been happening since October 7 is a national liberation resistance against a hegemonic colonial dysfunctional entity, which is accustomed to resolving battles through the use of advanced American weapons.  However, this time, the resistance forces are achieving major victories.


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