News ID : 152561
Publish Date : 10/7/2023 5:04:34 PM
Weak domes upon sandy castles!


Weak domes upon sandy castles!

The recent unprecedented and surprising operation in the occupied territories showed that the fake Zionist regime, contrary to repeated claims about intelligence and security dominance over the resistance movement and their groups, cannot even predict the possibility of resistance operations, and accordingly, it is disgraced by its surprise and shock because of the Al Aqsa storm operation in front of the eyes of the world.

NOURNEWS- The Palestinian Resistance forces attacked the depths of the occupied territories with the announcement of the decree to start a comprehensive and complex operation of “Al-Aqsa Storm” by Mohammed Deif, commander of the military battalions named after martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam.

The dimensions of this massive and surprising operation were such that almost all Zionist media outlets acknowledged it and highlighted the inefficiency of the Zionist army, and its offensive and defensive devices, and each one of the outlets somehow acknowledged the proposition that the alleged fortress of the Zionists named the impregnable “Iron Dome” is nothing but a “Weak dome built upon sandy castles”.

Meanwhile, the Zionist regime, with the claim of expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates, has spent thousands of billions of dollars in the years following its formation with direct help from the US, Britain, and the International Zionist Lobby to create its own security and has implemented large and costly plans in this regard.

This fake regime, with the promise of a safe and prosperous life for the Zionists, has always tried to portray Israel as an impenetrable fortress above which there is an iron dome so that it can attract Jews from all over the world, and form a unified Jew society and reflect its message of power and authority to others.

Now this rogue regime is facing identity crises, social and ethnic conflicts, and fragile political conflicts at home and has failed to create a coherent structure for governance over this rogue state.

Also, despite the use of a variety of political, financial, psychological, military, and security tools and so on against the resistance movement which is considered the main threat against Israel by the Zionists, not only did none of their strategies work against the resistance movements, but it is getting worse every day.

This same unprecedented operation “Al-Aqsa Storm” which began in the early hours of this morning and the anniversary of the famous war “Yom Kippur” in October (Ramadan) 1973, deprived all the occupiers of sleep and created scenes of deep penetration into the occupied lands for the first time, this is a clear sign of decline and extreme weakness of the regime that once claimed to have an invincible army.

Infiltrating military centers, flying paragliding above the skies of Zionist settlements, widespread use of missiles without any interference from the Iron Dome, forcing heavy and unprecedented casualties on the occupiers and capturing numerous of them, and so on. This is one of the cases that confirms the unprecedented nature of this operation.

On the other hand, as Netanyahu recently emphasized, although the Zionist regime has made many claims about hitting Iran in recent years, but considers all of its problems today due to the actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and has actually turned to the oppressive tactic instead of pursuing the strategy of demonstrating power that it has pursued over the past years to make Iran look weak and passive.

The recent unprecedented and surprising operation in the occupied territories showed that the fake Zionist regime, contrary to repeated claims about intelligence and security dominance over the resistance movement and their groups, cannot even predict the possibility of resistance operations, and accordingly, it is disgraced by its surprise and shock because of the Al Aqsa storm operation in front of the eyes of the world.

This development, in addition to exposing the hollow bluffs of Zionists in the international sphere, is also a clear message to countries that seek to normalize relations with a regime that, although it has manifested itself as an influential power through propaganda and psychological operations, is thus broken and humiliated in the grip of the resistance movement.

This humiliation and shameful defeat are certainly directed at countries that have normalized their relations with the Zionist regime and betrayed and turned their backs on the Palestinian cause, and it is certainly a warning and a reminder for those countries who intend to do so in the future.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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