News ID : 151219
Publish Date : 9/13/2023 9:23:31 PM
"Gamaan" poll; Biased research or factual survey?!


"Gamaan" poll; Biased research or factual survey?!

The real special work of the likes of Gamaan Institute is better clarified when we know that the most important pillar in the cognitive wars is changing the perception of the audience and engineering people's minds by using manipulated and fake news and biased information, which, naturally, when it is presented in the form of a report of a scientific institute, the audience's acceptance rate of this report multiplies.

NOURNEWS- A survey by the foreign institute “Gamaan” entitled “Attitude of Iranians to the Media 2023,” which claims it has used a statistical population of more than 38 thousand people from inside Iran, furthermore, according to the said survey, 54% of the Iranian population “most of the time” or “occasionally” watch Iran International, and Manoto and BBC Persian channels are in the next ranks and at the end of the list, you will see Iran’s national Television and Radio!

Iranian opinion polling group known as “Gamaan”, as written on its website; Apparently, it is a non-profit, independent research institute registered in the Netherlands by a number of anti-revolutionary Iranians, which operates under the management and supervision of Ammar Maleki, assistant professor of political science at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, and Pooyan Tamimi Arab, an assistant professor of anthropology and religious studies at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

Gamaan is one of the outputs and operational tools of the Dutch intelligence service is in pumping anti-Iranian, anti-religious and subversive ideas against the Islamic Republic of Iran, which, like most such institutions abroad, although it claims to be “independent”, but is supported by the budget of the intelligence services of Western countries.

The first issue in describing the performance of Gamaan Institute, regardless of the serious and public biases of its managers against the Islamic Republic of Iran, is their “methodology” from the point of view of sociology and survey, because one of the most important parts of all types of surveys, whether field, telephone or online, is the sampling section.

A diverse statistical sample with a selected statistical sample will have the main impact on the analysis and findings of the research, therefore, all reliable survey institutes in their first claim and effort emphasize on the fact that their statistical sample is selected from different intellectual, professional and age ranges, they do, a subject that is easy to verify for a technical person, and the output of the Gamaan Institute does not provide such a guarantee in this regard.

In this regard, Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour, a reformist political activist, wrote in a telegram note in January 2018 entitled “Scientific fraud in the form of a survey”: Recently, the “Gamaan Opinion Research Group” under the management of Ammar Maleki publishes a series of survey reports that are a clear example of fraud and biased information which is shown as scientific. These polls are based on the online snowball sampling method, which is basically a completely inappropriate method for measuring opinions at the national level and generalizing the results to the entire society, and its results cannot be generalized to all citizens of a nation-state.

The second point is about the special work of the Institute of Gamaan and playing a role in puzzles that have a completely political flavor. Interestingly, the opinions of this institution are published at certain times, which further strengthens the suspicion that they are biased and political.

For example, this institute claimed last year that 81% of Iranians want to change the government of Iran and change the system of the Islamic Republic! The results of this so-called survey were published in the month of February, when the disturbances and riots in Iran were on the decline and the artificial respiration of the government and security apparatuses of the West and the Zionist regime could not lead to its revival!

Currently, the results of the recent opinion polling by Gamaan Institute have been published just before the anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death, so that it may be able to reproduce disturbances in the shadow of misleading claims.

The third point is related to the nature of the claims made in the opinions of the Gamaan Institute, that false importance of the Iran International network takes place while, according to the explicit acknowledgment of many media experts, even some counter-revolutionary journalists abroad, this network because of its explicit orientations and subversive has lost many of its audience in last year's disturbances as well as the confirmation and proof of moral and sexual scandals in it.

In such a situation, Gamaan Institute is trying to clumsily rebuild and rebrand the face of Iran International Network, beyond which, it is necessary to look for some kind of macroeconomic deal, a deal that made the managers of International to order Gamaan to do this long project.

The last point, is related to the consequences of publishing such clumsy comments and researches. Last year's claim of Gamaan Institute did not lead to the success of the project of chaos and subversion in Iran, this time, accordingly, the newly published opinion of Gamaan Institute definitely cannot meet the demands of its designers in the security apparatus of the European Union, especially in the Netherlands.

Basically, the emergence of such biased and questionable institutions with a specific task and function by the enemies of the nation of Iran is aimed at creating an aggressive pattern against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and probably other similar examples will appear in the future.

The real special work of the likes of Gamaan Institute is better clarified when we know that the most important pillar in the cognitive wars is changing the perception of the audience and engineering people's minds by using manipulated and fake news and biased information, which, naturally, when it is presented in the form of a report of a scientific institute, the audience's acceptance rate of this report multiplies.

In any case, what is clear is that; Western-Zionist think tanks and their field and media agents, are relying on all the available capacities, and have used all of their capabilities to reproduce the disturbance and insecurity on the anniversary of last fall's events.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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