News ID : 147893
Publish Date : 8/19/2023 7:17:03 PM
!Sullivan and Blinken, Washington's Achilles' heel regarding Ukraine war


!Sullivan and Blinken, Washington's Achilles' heel regarding Ukraine war

It is quite obvious that the two key politicians of the Biden administration, meaning “Jake Sullivan” and “Antony Blinken”, have encouraged the Zelenskyy administration to carry out Ukraine counteroffensive operation by ignoring the alarming report of the American intelligence and military agencies regarding the certain failure of this operation against Russia.

NOURNEWS- The vast majority of western governments and their military and strategic analysts and think tanks, agree that Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia in the eastern regions of Ukraine has failed, and the recapture of some non-strategic areas by the Ukrainian army will not change the balance of power in favor of Kyiv and NATO.

In addition, the large amounts of weapons sent to Ukraine by the US and other member states of NATO to being used in the war against Russia has not been able to become a catalyst for changing the outcomes of the battle.

However, thought-provoking news has been recently circulating in America, this news is showcasing the big mistake of the foreign minister and the national security adviser of the Biden's administration regarding the war in Ukraine.

The story behind the news is that; "Seymour Hersh", a veteran American journalist, quoted an American intelligence official as reporting; The CIA has informed Foreign Minister Antony Blinken that Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia is not working and the defeat of Moscow is an unlikely outcome.

Ukraine has started its counteroffensive operation against Russia in early June after numerous delays, and according to the announcement of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as of August 4, Ukraine has lost 43,000 troops and 4,900 units of military equipment in its counteroffensive.

However, the main point is that; according to the previously leaked documents from the CIA, this institution had expressed doubts about the probability of success of Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia months before the start of the said operation in February 2023, the extent of CIA’s doubt is so high that according to one of the leaked documents, Biden has also conveyed this doubt to the officials of his government and demanded a correct decision and strategy regarding Ukraine’s operation.

It is quite obvious that the two key politicians of the Biden administration, meaning “Jake Sullivan” and “Antony Blinken”, have encouraged the Zelenskyy administration to carry out Ukraine counteroffensive operation by ignoring the alarming report of the American intelligence and military agencies regarding the certain failure of this operation against Russia.

The climax of Seymour Hersh's recent comments is where he specifically mentions Blinken's role in the creation of the current complex situation in Ukraine and his current inability for resolving the said crisis.

Seymour Hersh writes: "Messages and explanations regarding the conditions of the battlefield in Ukraine has reached Blinken through the CIA, and it was emphasized in these said messages that Ukraine’s counteroffensive did not work, and it was considered a measly show created by Zelenskyy, but there were some in the Biden administration who believed Zelenskyy's nonsense."

What is certain about Seymour Hersh's statements is that Blinken and, to a large extent, Sullivan, had a naive and unrealistic point of view regarding the events of the war in Ukraine and, like many other self-made crises created by these two in the stage of America’s foreign policy, Blinken and Sullivan do not have the power to manage many of these self-made tensions.

Undoubtedly, more news and documents will be published in the near future regarding the Blinken and Sullivan’s negative and destructive roles in the Ukraine war.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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