News ID : 140597
Publish Date : 6/10/2023 6:18:50 AM
!Lindsey Graham's words, Dmitry Medvedev's reaction to it, And the Ukraine war turns into an uncontrollable crisis


!Lindsey Graham's words, Dmitry Medvedev's reaction to it, And the Ukraine war turns into an uncontrollable crisis

With further escalation of Moscow's criticism of the US Sen. Lindsey Graham, Kiev released a full video of Graham's meeting with Ukraine president, in the mentioned video, Graham acknowledges the special investment by American officials in Ukraine to confront and kill Russians.

NOURNEWS - The exposure of the words of "Lindsey Graham", An American Republican senator and one of the main and known supporters of the ongoing war in Ukraine and the expansion of NATO to the East, has created new crises for him!

The Ministry of Interior Affairs of Russia has put Lindsay Graham on its wanted list after disclosure and publishment of the video of his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

In the video, released by the Ukrainian president's office, Graham, referring to US support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, appeared to say: "The Russians are dying and this is the best money America has ever spent."

This video has been widely published on Russian social networks and has caused many negative reactions.

Investigative Committee of Russia, which is the country's highest criminal investigation agency, has announced in its latest statement; A criminal case has been opened against Lindsey Graham on this basis.

Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin's spokesperson, also considered Graham's words as a source of shame for the US.

On the other hand, Dmitry Medvedev, one of Vladimir Putin's closest associates, also threatened to assassinate Graham by referring to the fate of Robert F. Kennedy, Huey Long, and John Milton Elliott, and wrote on his Telegram channel: In his beloved America, ordinary people are killed regularly, but dirty money is also spent to kill senators!”

With further escalation of Moscow's criticism of the US Sen. Lindsey Graham, Kiev released a full video of Graham's meeting with Ukraine president, in the mentioned video, Graham acknowledges the special investment by American officials in Ukraine to confront and kill Russians.

In other words; Although the full release of this video has removed some of the limited ambiguities regarding Graham's anti-Russian remarks, this video does showcase the entirety of such remarks were made by him, although in a more conservative manner.

Now, in addition to its other concerns, the CIA must also think about the special protection of Lindsey Graham, the controversial senator of the Republican Party!

Beyond that; because of the possibility of increased blunders and unwanted disclosures made by American officials regarding Washington's security, military and field intervention in the Ukraine in the near future, the Russians will definitely not ignore these issues!

In recent months, many American strategists, including "Henry Kissinger", have warned that if the Ukraine crisis becomes an "open and unending file" and if an endpoint is not drawn for this crisis in terms of the field, for all the actors involved in this story, especially America and NATO members, this war will be very costly.

However, the US and British authorities are still promoting the strategy of "perpetuating the crisis in Ukraine", as if they are unaware of the consequences of the dangerous and costly tactics of this approach!

The recent words of Dmitry Medvedev and other Russian officials in response to the statements of American officials show that the war in Ukraine is becoming an "uncontrollable crisis" because of the West actions. And Moscow's strategic patience with NATO's overt and covert actions on the battlefield is running out. As far as possible, senators like Lindsay Graham will not be immune of their responsibilities!


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