News ID : 139596
Publish Date : 5/6/2023 6:10:53 PM
European democratic covered dictatorship in the service of war


European democratic covered dictatorship in the service of war

Now, instead of responding to the demands of farmers who have suffered in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia and other parts of Europe due to tariff-free imports of Ukrainian products, European leaders are threatening them for not following the orders issued!

NOURNEWS - In recent days, European officials have been involving in conflicts over the imposition of anti-Russian sanctions, and disagreements have intensified in this regard.

For example, during the decision of the Parliament and the European Council regarding the continuation of tariff-free imports of grain and agricultural products from Ukraine, the countries of Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary opposed this decision and asked the European leaders not to put their agriculture and food industries under more impacts of the war in Ukraine.

It is obvious that tariff-free import of Ukrainian agricultural products to Eastern European countries will lead to the destruction of their domestic agricultural products and the failure to sell their products in the domestic and international markets.

But it seems German and French politicians do not like hearing opposing voices from European countries.

Although the European Commission has emphasized that tariff-free imports of Ukrainian agricultural and food products throughout Europe will continue at least until June 2024, the continued opposition to this issue has not set a clear perspective for this collective decision.

Already, Poland and Hungary have shown that they stand against some joint decisions of the European leaders.

Now the dictatorship of Berlin and Paris has become more obvious in the European Union, and some European countries have not opposed this joint decision, despite they have suffered from the accumulation of Ukrainian agricultural products and grains in their warehouses, which has led to a decrease in the price of local products in their countries and the loss of their farmers.

Of course, some of these countries, due to the situation and their inability to respond to the demands of their citizens, now prefer to follow a process similar to that of some opposing countries.

Meanwhile, the Polish government has made appeals against Ukraine's grain surplus and asked Brussels to take necessary measures and increase its aid through EU funds to ensure that Ukrainian agricultural and food imports are evenly distributed across the Europe.

Faced with growing anger among farmers who fear job and financial insecurity, Polish Agriculture Minister Henryk Kowalczyk resigned earlier this month, a decision that coincided with a state visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and also affected public opinion of Poland.


Now, instead of responding to the demands of farmers who have suffered in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia and other parts of Europe due to tariff-free imports of Ukrainian products, European leaders are threatening them for not following the orders issued!

Meanwhile; The European Union is debating to design a new sanctions mechanism against countries that have not prevented Russia from circumventing the EU sanctions or have significantly increased their level of trade with this country without sufficient justification.

The alleged democracy of the Europeans is now at the service of the Ukraine war and the escalation of the confrontation between Moscow and Kiev, and even the European actors against this trend will be severely punished by the European coercive power (the French and German governments).

This is the true nature and face of the European Union, which has the character and nature of a dictatorship, but it is dressed in the clothes of democracy!

BY: Pooya Mirzaei


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