News ID : 122207
Publish Date : 12/25/2022 3:20:35 AM
Dimensions of Iran's active diplomacy in Second Baghdad Meeting


Dimensions of Iran's active diplomacy in Second Baghdad Meeting

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized in this meeting that the dialogue between the countries of the region to reach a common understanding in order to establish peace and stability is not an option but a necessity.

NOURNEWS - The second round of the Baghdad meeting was held last Tuesday in Jordan with the participation of high-ranking officials from 12 countries, including Hossein Amirabdullahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In this meeting, which was held at the invitation of King Abdullah II of Jordan and with the coordination of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, the heads and officials of Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Turkey, along with the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Organization Fars and the League of Arab States, representatives of the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the European Union and French President Emmanuel Macron were present.

The purpose of this meeting was to support the sovereignty, security and stability of Iraq and the development of cooperation mechanisms in this regard, and one of its important and essential points is the presence and role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in it as one of the axes of regional convergence.

The West has always aimed to present Iran as an isolated and lonely country in the world, especially in recent months, with extensive media campaigns and even illegal action to remove Iran from the United Nations Commission on Women, and to present it as a failed model of independent countries in anti-domination system.

Iran by attending the meeting in Jordan, but; In addition to refuting the aforementioned claim, he once again demonstrated his valuable role and position in the regional and global equations and emphasized his effective role by presenting practical and realistic initiatives and proposals to solve regional crises.

Tehran has always considered the region as an integrated and interconnected container that has a common destiny for all regions, therefore, to resolve problems, misunderstandings and move in the direction of sustainable progress and stability, comprehensive dialogues between the countries of the main region are necessary.

In this context, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed his regret at the absence of Syria in this meeting. Dialogue between the countries of the region to reach a common understanding in order to establish peace and stability is not an option, but a necessity, and the capacity of all the real players in realizing the security of the region should be used.

Amirabdollahian, while stressing on not accepting any threat from Iraqi soil against neighboring countries, emphasized the need to put aside double standards in achieving security in the region and said: "We believe that security cannot be bought and is a unified category, so we cannot use all means to destabilize a country. mobilized and at the same time emphasized on stabilization for the stability of another country.

He emphasized that we consider security from an eliminationism and confrontational approach to be unrealizable: "Group security and regional stability can only be achieved by the members of the region and from an internal perspective."

Another important point in Iran's regional perspective is to pay attention to the Palestinian issue, which neglecting it has practically made the realization of lasting peace in the region uncertain.

Based on this logical point of view, which is of interest to many governments and especially the nations of the region, and its manifestation can be seen in the widespread support of the people for Palestine in the World Cup in Qatar; Amirabdollahian stated: "We consider the political solution of the Palestinian issue according to the principle of the right to self-determination in holding a referendum among the original residents of Palestine, including Muslims, Christians and Jews, to form a single Palestinian state throughout the Palestinian homeland with the capital of Holy Quds."

The special position and geopolitical and economic capacities of the region, including in the field of transportation and transit between Asia, Europe and Africa, with the existence of land and sea transportation passages for the transfer of goods and passengers, was another issue that was considered in this meeting.

The foreign minister of our country also pointed to the issue of fine dust as a regional challenge that can only be curbed with joint cooperation and constructive interaction.

On the sidelines of this meeting, Amirabdollahian met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein, Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Sabah, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani and Foreign Minister of Qatar, as well as Badr al-Busaidi, Foreign Minister of Oman, and King Abdullah II of Jordan met and discussed.

He also met and talked with EU foreign policy chief Joseph Burrell about negotiations to lift sanctions.

Amirabdullahian's meeting with Borrell, the European Union foreign policy official, also had the important message that the Islamic Republic of Iran, in addition to emphasizing the protection of the rights and red lines that it has raised since the beginning of the negotiations, emphasizes the principle of dialogue to reach a good and stable agreement.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi


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