NOURNEWS - There are many angles from the political, sociological and cultural perspectives on why the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian people took place in 1978, but what can be considered as a glorification of the story is the leadership of the revolution by a religious authority that in many Theories have been overlooked.
Although the set of factors leading to the Islamic Revolution are each a necessary condition in this great event, but it seems that the sufficient condition and its cohesive and determining factor has undoubtedly been the transcendent ideas of pure Islam and the thoughtful leadership of Imam Khomeini.
Reformist movements in Iran, although having a long history before the Revolution of 1978, undoubtedly the most important factor in the ineffectiveness of these movements was the lack of comprehensive leadership and charisma at the top.
With a review of the contemporary history of Iran, perhaps one of the main characteristics of Iranian society can be considered its activism, which means that society has not always stagnated, stagnated or frustrated in the face of what it did not consider desirable and has tried to find a way to upset the situation was found undesirable.
One of the important mental factors that theoretically support the active nature of the Iranian people is the Shiite justice-oriented teachings, which in a way call on the individual and society to "reject" injustice and oppression in various areas of life.
The experience of the Islamic Revolution shows that at some point in the history of different groups from the elite to the people in the classes and with different tastes, observing the current situation, they came to the conclusion that we can no longer be optimistic about this path and a new plan should be launched. Which had established the structures of the monarchy and its ill-fated rule.
By studying the official documents of specialized agencies of that period, such as the Statistics Center of Iran and the census data of 1976, these data show that the situation has really gotten out of control in terms of pressure on a large part of the population, because these reports in an official report the authority of the written Pahlavi regime can be trusted more.
What the official statistics of that time show us is the existence of a deep gap between the majority of the society with a limited and privileged minority and the backwardness in the indicators of public welfare.
For example, data from the Statistics Center of Iran show that in 1973 and 1974, something like 64% of the total urban population in Iran was malnourished, which is a very shocking figure. For example, a report written by Abrahamian in his book "Iran Between Two Revolutions" states: "Still in the last years of the Pahlavi regime, Iran ranked last in the Middle East in terms of the quality of health services." In other words, in the Middle East, which is itself a backward and backward region and is very poor in relation to a very large population, he says, Iran was like that at that time.
Also, in the official reports published by the Program and Education Organization, the average number of years of education for Iranians until the end of the Pahlavi period was about three years. That is, on average, every Iranian had studied for three years.
In terms of welfare, which is especially emphasized by the media opposed to the Islamic Republic, it should be noted that what is being said is not necessarily untrue, and indeed a part of the population at that time was at the peak of welfare, but estimates say that The ward made up only between 5 and 10 percent of the population, meaning that its coverage was highly unequal, and incidentally, according to revolutionary theories, because it was exposed to the deprived majority, it became the driving force of the revolution.
Therefore, the Iranian society, which considered the model of Pahlavi rule sterile in providing its basic material and spiritual needs and fundamental rights, was looking for an appropriate opportunity to disrupt the structures that blamed them for creating the current situation.
This opportunity, which had its roots in the years before the 1972 and the long struggles, provided a suitable platform for the revolution by raising awareness in the society, so that in the second half of the 1972, under the leadership of Imam Khomeini as a source of Shiite imitation to stand to defend the religious and national identity, a new wave of uprising of the Iranian people was formed and led to a revolutionary victory in Iran.
The principles and slogans of the Islamic Revolution correctly express the origin of the greatest popular revolution in history, what, with a correct understanding of what, why and how the current situation is, cry out for independence against dependence, freedom against oppression and the Islamic Republic against tyranny.
The brilliant point and unique feature of this revolution can be summed up by knowing that these principles, after 42 years of victory, are still at the top of the demands of the main owners of the revolution, the people, and their annoyances with some conditions today, not turning away from Those principles are in protest of the distance of some officials from the covenant that was signed in February 1978 with the blood of the martyrs of the revolution.
BY: Mohammad Ghaderi