Head of the International Affairs Department of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development Amin Tarfa’ made the remarks on Tuesday in the beginning of the 16th Iran-Republic of Azerbaijan Joint Economic Commission meeting.
He put the value of the trade exchanges between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2024 at $580 million, showing a 20 percent growth compared to the same period last year.
Tarfa’ put the trade exchanged between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2023 at about $480 million.
Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan have high potentials to boost their trade in all fields especially in the field of transportation and infrastructure, he emphasized.
Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the operation of Astara Border Bridge and stated that construction operation of “New Aghband Bridge” is being completed and the construction operation of “Aras Corridor” to connect Azerbaijan to Iran via road and rail is underway.
Tarfa’ then pointed to the fields of joint cooperation between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the fields of energy and noted that various issues will be discussed at the commission in the fields of electricity, oil, gas and banking.