The objective of these groups is to justify their interventionist actions and maintain their dominance in the international arena. In this process, they have even resorted to the instrumentalization of international institutions, particularly the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is the legal body overseeing the nuclear activities of countries. By doing so, they have dragged this important structure into the realm of political maneuvering. However, Iran, based on its nuclear doctrine, which is formulated according to the Leader's fatwa, has always strived to maintain transparency in its peaceful nuclear activities while adhering to legal frameworks. Iran has demonstrated its commitment to the peaceful nature of its nuclear program and has consistently pursued a cooperative approach to counter targeted pretexts.
Extremists and tension-provoking policies
American media outlets recently revealed that Jake Sullivan, the White House National Security Advisor, in a secret meeting held several weeks ago, presented options for a potential US attack on Iran's nuclear facilities to President Joe Biden, in the event that Iran moves towards producing nuclear weapons before January 20, when Donald Trump becomes the next President of the United States.
The discussions in the secret White House meeting regarding a possible attack on Iran's nuclear facilities clearly demonstrate the efforts of certain extremist groups to escalate the crisis. Although Joe Biden has refused to authorize an attack, the mere consideration of such scenarios reflects these groups' strategy of maximum pressure. Baseless claims about Iran's uranium enrichment reaching 90% are merely tools for diplomatic pressure on the Islamic Republic.
Smart response from Iran: Emphasizing a peaceful doctrine
Iran has repeatedly emphasized its commitment to its nuclear doctrine, which is based on the fatwa of the Leader. This fatwa categorically prohibits the production and use of nuclear weapons and defines Iran's nuclear program solely within the framework of peaceful purposes. In this regard, Ali Akbar Ahmadian, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, also stated last week in a meeting with the Omani Foreign Minister that there has been no change in the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear doctrine, and Iran remains committed to international agreements. This clear stance from the highest official of Iran's national security institution, as part of the country's permanent policies on transparency in peaceful nuclear activities, not only sends a clear message to counter false propaganda against Iran's nuclear activities but also serves as an effective step in combating Iranophobia.
Strengthening diplomacy and regional cooperation
Iran, by adopting a policy of constructive engagement, especially through strengthening relations with regional countries such as Oman, has created an environment conducive to reducing tensions and enhancing regional cooperation. This active diplomacy not only paves the way for comprehensive relations among regional countries but also draws global public opinion towards the irrational and provocative nature of actions by some extremist groups in the West.
Iran's emphasis on adhering to its peaceful nuclear doctrine, based on the Leader's fatwa, demonstrates the Islamic Republic's determination to pursue transparent policies and prevent any tension-provoking actions. In the face of provocative actions by extremist groups, Iran, with its wise measures and active diplomacy, pursues the path of resolving differences through dialogue and negotiation. This approach, in a context of increasing political and security complexities in the region, which has heightened concerns about instability, can contribute to the promotion of peace and security in the region.