NOURNEWS: Pointing to the experience of a new process in this round, Mohsen Eslami said that media outlets did not witness the marginal issues of previous elections during this round, which is good news. He added, “Out of 80 candidates, 76 are men and 4 are women. Most of them fall into the age category of between 56-60 years, with 18 people categorizing in this range.
“18 people are in the category of between 61-65 years of age, 3 are in the age range of 41-45, 3 are in the age range of 46-50, 8 are in the age range of 51-55, 17 are in the age range of 66-70, and 11 are in the age range of 71-75 years,” he said.
On the occupation of the candidates, Eslami said that “12 were employees, 1 was a freelance worker, 2 were military members, 21 were university instructors, 14 were retired, 17 were parliamentarians, and 2 were involved in the cultural sector.” He noted that two were clergymen, one was a lawyer, two were physicians, and six had chosen the “others” option for their profession.