NOURNEWS - Despite the request of the Ukrainian authorities to the US, Biden refused to identify Russia as a state that supports terrorism.
In response to Ukraine's insistence, Joe Biden officially declared: "Russia should not be identified as a state that supports terrorism."
American media and political circles and its allies considered this action of Biden as a democratic, moderate and pacifist approach and tried to claim it in the direction of "discussion-oriented" management of global crises and in a double effort with this claim to make other countries to interact and accept the demands America was invited.
In an unprofessional act and citing the word "no" from the American president in response to a reporter's question about Russia, these media published all the statistics published during the start of the conflict in Ukraine regarding the sending of American weapons to this country. They ignored and closed their eyes on the approval of the budget of 40 billion dollars for military support to Ukraine.
This figure clearly shows the American proposal to its allies to pursue military measures instead of diplomatic solutions. In this regard, Borrell, the head of the European Union's foreign policy, has acknowledged the emptying of Europe's weapons stockpiles due to the sending of all kinds of weapons to Ukraine, and has called for the revival of these stockpiles and the continuation of military support for Ukraine.
In his words, which are derived from his cooperation with Biden's demands, he calls the unification of Europe until spring and the preservation of military power necessary to confront Russia.
Biden's emphasis on opposition to putting Russia on the list of sponsors of terrorism should also be reviewed from this point of view in order to find out what are the legal requirements for the United States to go to war face-to-face with Russia and abandon a proxy method in this case would create for this country.
On the other hand, the effective presence of Russia in the triple alliance of Tehran, Damascus and Moscow, which discredited the myth of the impenetrable defeat of Takfiri terrorism in the Levant, compared to the 20-year presence of the United States in Afghanistan to fight terrorism, which did not achieve any results with the disgraceful withdrawal of this country from Afghanistan and the return of the Taliban has ended, it could be a joke to put the name of Russia in the category of the supporters of terrorism.
Naturally, Biden does not want to make such a comparison that the public opinion of the world calls him incapable and ridicules it.
In addition, the inaccuracy of the calculations of the White House regarding the resilience of their country's economy against the consequences of the war in Ukraine should not be ignored.
American democratic statesmen who are worried about the sharp drop in their votes and popular standing on the eve of the congressional elections are well aware that putting Russia on the list of sponsors of terrorism will mean the escalation of tensions and the unbridled increase in the price of energy and food, which will affect the extent of the American economic crisis. will add Accordingly, Biden and his party will not take such a risk-taking action.
BY: Pooya Mirzaei