News ID : 152904
Publish Date : 10/12/2023 4:57:09 PM
Iran's FM was not on the Iranian plane when the Damascus airport was attacked

Iran's FM was not on the Iranian plane when the Damascus airport was attacked

Following the spread of a rumor that the Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was on an Iranian plane during the Israeli air attack on the Damascus airport, but informed sources have denied this rumor.

NOURNEWS- Following the spread of a rumor that the Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was on an Iranian plane during the Israeli air attack on the Damascus airport, but informed sources have denied this rumor. It was claimed that the Iranian plane boarding the Iranian Foreign Minister had changed its route during the air attack on the Damascus airport.

This is despite the fact that the Iranian Mahan plane with code IRM146 was unable to land due to the attack on the Damascus airport, but the Iranian Foreign Minister was not on board, and he was on his way to Baghdad during the attack. According to the reports, the plane carrying Iran's foreign minister belonging to the hangar of the Islamic Republic and with the international and well-known identifier of IRAN05 landed at the Baghdad airport a few minutes ago.


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